Support for the Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition

Sumitomo Group Public Affairs Committee strives to support college students’ negotiation skills, assist in upgrading higher education and contribute to global human resource development through the Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition.

The 7th intercollegiate negotiation competition was held at Sophia University on December 6th and 7th, 2008.

This year’s competition featured students from 16 schools: University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Kyushu University, Hokkaido University, Nagoya University, Chuo University, University, Doshisha University, Waseda University, Keio University, Sophia University, Hitotsubashi University, Tohoku University, Gakushuin University, Ritsumeikan University and The Australian National University. In total, 260 undergraduate and graduate students from these 16 universities performed enthusiastically.

Opening ceremony

Hisakazu Suzuki, Secretary General, Sumitomo Group Public Affairs Committee

Performance in Japanese

Performance in English

    Round A/arbitration Round B/negotiation
Red Blue Red Blue
1 Gakushuin1 Kyushu2 Tokyo2 Hitotsubashi2
2 Chuo1 Tohoku Gakushuin1 Waseda1
3 Doshisha2 Waseda3 Doshisha2 Sophia12
4 Osaka1 Kyushu1 Chuo1 Kyushu1
5 Keio2 Nagoya Gakushuin2 Tohoku
6 Gakushuin2 Ritsumeikan1 Tokyo1 Ritsumeikan3
7 Doshisha1 Sophia1 Hokkaido1 Kyoto
8 Australia Hitotsubashi1 Osaka1 Hitotsubashi1
9 Hokkaido2 Ritsumeikan3 Hokkaido2 Waseda3
10 Keio1 Hitotsubashi2 Australia Sophia1
11 Tokyo2 Kyoto Keio2 Ritsumeikan2
12 Chuo2 Ritsumeikan2 Chuo2 Waseda2
13 Hokkaido1 Waseda2 Doshisha1 Ritsumeikan1
14 Tokyo1 Sophia2 Keio1 Kyushu2
15 Osaka2 Waseda1 Osaka2 Nagoya
    Round A/arbitration Round B/negotiation
Red Blue Red Blue
1 Osaka Sophia1 Keio 2 Waseda
2 Gakushuin Nagoya1 Chuo Sophia2
3 Australia Kyushu2 Doshisha1 Tohoku
4 Tokyo Waseda Australia Nagoya1
5 Chuo Nagoya3 Doshisha2 Hitotsubashi1
6 Keio 2 Tohoku Tokyo Kyushu
7 Doshisha1 Kyushu1 Gakushuin Sophia1
8 Hokkaido Hitotsubashi1 Keio 1 Nagoya3
9 Keio 1 Sophia2 Osaka Kyushu2
10 Doshisha2 Nagoya2 Hokkaido Nagoya2

Problem establishment and competition outline (Red vs. Blue companies)

The theme of this year’s competition was problems encountered in the remaking of a movie and the televising of it between two companies, the Red Company, which played the role of a publishing company, movie production studio and TV production company in the fictitious country of Negoland; and the Blue Company, which played the role of a movie production studio, TV station and movie theater chain in the fictitious country of Arbitoria.

During Round A on the first day, the issue was “arbitration.” This was to establish whether or not the Blue company’s filmmaking and release were faulty and if so, how much would it cost for appropriate financial restitution. Also, another point discussed was whether the red company’s concluding a program telecast contract without telling the Blue Company about its broadcast would be cause for cancellation of the contract or release of responsibility.

During Round B on the second day, the subject was “negotiation.” The negotiations were tense because of the difficulties encountered in the cooperation needed to produce a movie on the theme of the relationship between two countries after the year 1900 as part of the 40th anniversary of the normalization of relations between them. Other challenges included negotiations on publication and sales rights, the title of the movie, its content, total budget, cast, methods of funding, and a secondary publication.

Party at the canteen of Sophia University

Guest speaker
Mitoji Yabunaka Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs


Every year, the Sumitomo Public Affairs Committee receives assistance with the competition. This year they appreciated the cooperation of people in judicial circles, professionals from each participating university as well as the Judicial Affairs Divisions of various corporations. As the competitions take place each year and students graduate, both male and female alumni return to the competition and now serve as judges for the competition and in various other capacities. The guest speaker this year was Mr. Mitoji Yabunaka, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and an expert on arbitration methods.

Results of the 7th Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition.

This year, the University of Tokyo won again for the first time in four years, bringing this years’ competition to a successful conclusion.

The final results for 2008 are as follows.
The 1st prize : University of Tokyo
The 2nd prize : Hitotsubashi University
The 3rd prize : Kyoto University
The 4th prize : Waseda University
The 5th prize : Sophia University

Presentation of championship cup

The University of Tokyo, winner of 7th Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition.
